Drug free help to optimize your
focus, sleep & more
Neurofeedback Works Fast & Lasts!
Neurofeedback is an evidence-based EEG biofeedback system that activates the brain’s natural ability to form new connections in response to experience. Neurofeedback is a very fast acting, innovative, drug-free brain-wave training system.
Advocates of neurofeedback and similar types of EEG therapy say that these sessions are a holistic way to help clients overcome ADHD, depression, anxiety, insomnia, short tempers and many other challenges.

It’s completely non-invasive, drug free, and effortless. With a few sensors on your head, you get to listen to audio tracks and watch visual patterns on a screen. The rest of the magic happens automatically.
Neurofeedback aims to identify the types of patterns and music that induce a relaxed state, and then to reproduce (or “paint”) them by practicing becoming calm. Patients ideally learn how to activate certain centers of the brain that can help as a matter of unconscious reflex. We are TEACHING the brain to relax… some of us have never felt that before!
Neurofeedback, is designed to help people with ADHD, anxiety, autism spectrum disorder, brain injuries, mood disorders, and sleep problems.
A non-invasive and medication free alternative that is effective and lasting.
Train Your Nervous System To Work FOR You Instead of Against You!
What if you could exercise just 20 times, and keep your gains Forever?
Neurofeedback is a workout for you brain with lasting results
Neurofeedback trains the brain to self regulate and function in the most optimal and stabilized ranges. Optimal functioning includes better regulated emotional responses, balanced and stable physiological systems, more effective mental performance and a regulated central nervous system.
Neurofeedback can help individuals with issues such as anxiety, depression, attention or hyperactivity issues (ADHD), behavior disorders, various sleep disorders, headaches, migraines, PTSD, seizures, trauma, TBI, and those related to the Autism Spectrum.
Neurofeedback FAQ
Just as your brain makes sense of information being fed to it from gravity, it makes sense of the information being conveyed to it by the software. The brain is an organ that processes substantially more information than your mind could handle. Your mind can not even see, hear, smell, taste or consciously feel earth’s gravitational pull, yet your brain is constantly sending neural commands to muscles according to feedback it receives from gravity. Just like you would give your puppy positive reinforcement for a “sit” or a “lay down” we can give positive reinforcement to the brain for a job well done!
No. This is not shock therapy! This is simply a learning model.
Generally people notice improvements within the first 5-8 sessions, but this does not mean that you are finished. Every person is different, has different goals/traumas/vulnerabilities, therefore everyone’s length of training will be different. That being said, most of our clients are with us between 30 and 60 sessions. However we can do these sessions in just a few weeks for even stronger and faster results.
ADHD/Attentional Issues, Anxiety, Autism Spectrum Disorder, Traumatic Brain Injuries (TBI), Depression, Fears and Phobias, Headaches and Migraines, Insomnia, Peak Performance, Post Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD), Stress, Stroke Recovery, and Tantrums.
First we do a comprehensive assessment to pick the right protocol just for you. Next, one of our technicians will hook you up to the EEG machine (same thing that you doctor would use to see if you are having seizures, there is no input- only reading what your brain is doing). Then the software will work to positively “reinforce” with music and images the more optimal brain waves. So if we see that your brain doesn’t know how to relax then we have to “teach” it to relax by giving it a little treat every time it does relax, even the slightest bit more! We train the brain, unhook you and you go on your way! It’s very simple.
I’m so glad you asked! There have been over 180 studies. These are a couple!
Each person who comes into our clinic has different needs and desires when it comes to improving their symptoms, so we offer different accommodations. The “slow and steady approach” is the minimum input needed by our clients to get a result from neurofeedback. This looks like 2 one-hour sessions weekly. Which can continue over the course of 10-20 weeks. And for some people that is the perfect approach.
But some of our clients have chosen to “Sprint.” That can look like making a decision to commit 10-14 days to come to our office for 2 hour blocks and speed through this learning and let their mind make a huge change in a short time. The clients who have done this say that it feels like cheating! It’s definitely a lot of commitment but every client who has chosen to do this has not regretted it! One client told us that they truly felt like a different person!
Such an important question! We do not believe it replaces talk therapy, but we believe it speeds up and enhances your therapy experience exponentially. I mean, think about it, how many times has a therapist, parent, trainer, coach, teacher, etc. given you a tool to help yourself but when the time came your brain was too high-jacked to use it! Neurofeedback helps your brain work for you instead of against you so that you can apply the things you might learn in therapy.
Fantastic! Give us a call or text today to get scheduled for a free consultation and to determine if you are a good fit for BrainPaint Neurofeedback 702-706-4234
Most insurances do not cover the kind of services we offer. In our opinion most insurance companies are about 20 years behind the curve in terms of what is helpful for people. Some insurances cover these neurofeedback but we do not participate in any of them. We like to decide how best to help you without any interference from third parties, and the good news is that we offer Care Credit through our clinic if you need some assistance paying for your services! Apply here: https://www.carecredit.com/